How Much Does it Cost to Move a Pool Table?

Moving is a huge hassle, especially if you have heavy items, such as a real, slate or marble pool table. Large, heavy pool tables are not easy to move and often, trying to do it yourself can lead to damage to the table or someone helping you move it. When an item weighs as much as a pool table does, it's best to pay a professional moving company to handle it. With a professional moving company, you don't have to worry about getting injured or hurting your table. They've moved many pool tables and they know how to do it efficiently. In addition, they will have special equipment to make moving your heavy pool table much easier.

Answering the question, "how much does it cost to move a pool table," isn't as easy as just providing a number. There are some specific factors that must be considered.

First, what type of pool table are you moving? Is it a drop pocket table? Does it have plastic pockets, leather pockets or a ball return system?

Second, how heavy is the pool table? The weight of the table may determine how many movers need to be on the job, which will factor into the cost.

Third, is the pool table going up or down any stairs? Moving a large item up or down stairs makes it a more risky and difficult job, therefore, it may cost a bit more compared to moving a pool table out of the first floor and into the first floor.

Finally, how far will the pool table be traveling from its' current destination to its' final destination? The price difference from a local move to an out of city/state move can be quite different.

Should you Move a Pool Table Yourself?

After answering the questions above and getting a quote from a professional moving company, you may consider moving the pool table yourself. However, this could be a huge mistake as damage and injuries can occur.

Videos on YouTube and information found online might show you how to take the table apart and move it piece by piece. However, if you've never assembled a pool table, you might be very disappointed with the results once you get it together. Plus, disassembling and reassembling a pool table for the first time may lead to damaging it in ways you haven't even thought of yet.

Trying to move a pool table in one piece is ridiculous to even attempt. Most slate tables would require 5 to 7 guys and there's a very good chance at least a few end up with a serious injury. This should not be attempted.

So, How Much Does it Cost to Move a Pool Table?

Getting back to the original question, it costs between $750 and $1000 to move a typical pool table, in most cases. Reassembly will usually require a specialist to level and custom fit the billiard cloth that covers a pool table. The price may be on the lower side if your table is only 7 feet and it may be on the higher side if it's a 9-foot table with stairs to negotiate.

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